Creative Blogger Award: Holy Whack Criminal Edition

Ah Sherise, the beautiful wonderful Sherise of Furious Reviews I thank you dearly. Sherise has bestowed upon me the Creative BloGger Award: Holy Whack Criminal Edition (I added that last part).

When Sherise first popped up in my comments with this award I was surprised and super stoked. To know that people are comfortable sifting through my most obscure reviews from Paul VErhoeven’s inimitable Total Recall, I’m looking at you Len Wiseman, to David Sandberg’s synth-wave Throwback Kung Fury is a true delight.

For all you fancy pants out there who want to know a little more about how my head works I have created this list of Super rad facts for your eyes only.

1 With the fancy industry title of PR and Growth Officer, that roughly translates to ‘Intern’, I am currently working for FilmDoo, a new VoD platform dedicated to independent and international film.

2 Arnold Schwarzenegger’s aptly named autobiography ‘Total Recall’ has led me on a surprising journey of discovery. There is so much more to this bodybuilding legend than one-liners that age like a fine wedge of cheddar. With a Pumping Iron review in the works I might even consider an Arnie Blogathon (strictly Arnie fans only!).

3 I don’t understand why female frogs find Croaking sexy.

4 The Home Alone franchise, including the divisive Home Alone 3 accounts for the majority of film references in my family. With “Can Mrs. Hess go inside? She’s very old and very cold,” and “Wow! What a hole” being personal favourites.

5 404 Error is my favourite IMDb page.

I now extend this award to:

Par Par V – Residing in my spiritual home, Vancouver, B.C. the stunning Par offers her creative two cents on Fashion, Film and Lifestyle amongst other musings. Fun fact: I once ran for 8 Miles in Stanley Park. Not sure what to eat when you finally get around to watching The Grand Budapest Hotel? Par’s got you covered.

That Moment In – With one of those sites that makes us seethe with resentment David has managed to simultaneously unite and piss off every film blogger in the WordPress universe. My bitter backhanded compliment is of course blurted out of love for That Moment In. Consistently delivering fresh content fresh out the oven That Moment In sports an impressive variety of features that couldn’t be more true to the Creative Blogger ethos. Props brother.

Slip/Through – vs. Face/Off – We’re both nerds at heart so there is a mutual respect between myself and Dan. Split by the vast Atlantic our nerdiness is confined to the blogosphere through self-proclaimed Marvel infatuations and deconstructed trailers.

Rhyme and Reason – Nothing says creativity quite like ‘Poetry meets Film Reviews’. What is a Gilbreth?

Film Munch – With a smooth Vertigo-esque font you’ll need a whole loTta Apple Chips to get you through Ben Hur. Intrigued?

Now folks, in the words of one Rick Sanchez, “Get SchwiftY.”

~ Peace Oooot ~

17 thoughts on “Creative Blogger Award: Holy Whack Criminal Edition

  1. Wow! Congrats on the award, James. You deserve it, buddy!

    Thank you or the super nice words. And the nomination?! So whats that mean? Did you just give me a nerdy lil award? That’s so awesome, man. Our vs so far have been great.

    Now i gotta find out about the Get Schwifty thing… I decoded the Christmas Story Ovaltine Secret Message and recieved the same Bold message. Cheeky… once again, thanks James!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey thanks Dan, so basically you can accept the award by posting something similar on your blog, posting 5 facts about yourself and then nominating 5 others for the award. There may be other rules but I just went with these. Of course, you can just accept without doing all this but that’s up to you my man. Hahaa the Get Schwifty thing is from the most recent episode of Rick and Morty, hands down one of the funniest, most creative animations on TV/Adult Swim. Definitely check it out. Season 2 is currently running but I’d suggest catching up with Season 1 first. I can’t recommend it enough.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. As a fellow nerd I’d be surprised if you didn’t like it. In hindsight the first episode is a little heavy on the character definition but by episode four you won’t stop watching it! Damn I might have to watch it right now

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Vin, glad you enjoyed it! This was actually my second attempt, I closed the draft without saving first time round but I’m much happier with this version. Just go to show how important drafting is I guess!

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